Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Read between The Lines People!

Last week Andrew Cuomo opened his mouth to talk about his feelings in regards to Conservatives...
“Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

Being that these beliefs describe almost all Conservatives, and are actually not the slightest bit extreme, Conservatives responded with predictable outrage.

"Pro-assault-weapon" simply means you support the Second Amendment's original purpose; to balance the power of government that also has "assault weapons."  Is Andy giving up New York's assault weapons?  Didn't think so.

Local High School Student Self-Immolates

Yesterday a local high school student attempted to kill himself by setting himself on fire in the school's cafeteria...
Standley Lake High School in Westminster will remain closed on Tuesday, but counselors will be available after a 16-year-old boy set himself on fire in an apparent suicide attempt.
Authorities say the boy was burned over 80 percent of his body and is in critical condition at a local hospital.

When I first heard about this on the radio I couldn't believe my ears.  These are the things that happen in third world countries gripped by despair and tyranny not the United States.  Standley Lake High School is in a solidly middle class suburb of Denver not a hopeless war-torn nation.  This was a 16 year old student with his whole life ahead of him!  16!!!

There is a lot of speculation on why this happened and I think we'll have to wait to know the full truth.  Many are saying bullying is to blame.  Well, school aged children have always been bullied and I can't recall a single case of self-immolation as a result.

Something is terribly wrong with young people in America.  Something has changed.  Incidents like this should give us pause.  And by pause, I mean, life should not simply go on without addressing what is happening.