...that’s how the Left sees tragedies like those that happened Friday morning in Aurora.
These active shooter events are emotionally exhausting. After the grief comes anger. The most frustrating aspect is the vacuum of personal safety created by strict gun laws, an incompetent government that promises us safety but constantly fails to provide it, and an army of useful idiots (Century Theatres [owned by Cinemark] has a no guns policy even for lawful concealed carry permit holders). And as if the actual shooting wasn’t bad enough, the coalition of gun-grabbers and government “officials” can’t even let the blood dry before they start using this as an opportunity.
Gun Control
Some say that gun control is broken, but that actually isn’t true. Gun control has done exactly what it was intended to do—disarm the law-abiding public (and nothing more). A criminal who is about to commit a violent crime with a gun doesn’t care about gun control laws to include magazine restrictions, barrel lengths, types of weapons, pistol grips, bayonet lugs, or actions. A CRIMINAL DOES NOT CARE. And thus, gun control does nothing to limit crime while the unintended consequences (empowering criminals) far outweigh any benefits. This is a well-known and documented fact which is why support for gun control has dramatically decreased in the United States while the agenda of Leftist gun-grabbers becomes more apparent.